
It’s clear that heartworms and tapeworms have emerged as the dreadful problem in dogs, in terms of dog infection and in worst cases leading to fatal effects. It comes as shocking news when you get to know that your dog got worms and the worst is when he may be infected with heartworms.
Though worm infection is common in dogs, leaving un-attended dog can just play deadly hallow games on your pooch. And, when it is about heartworms, it can be quite fatal. Digging out what puts your furry friend to the risk of tapeworms and heartworms can definitely help you find the effective preventive measures.
What puts dogs at the fatality of heartworms?
The worst type of worm that has potentially fatal effect on dogs is heartworm. Compared to other worms, heartworm directly attacks lungs and heart. Getting further down, the infection causes breathing and circulatory difficulties. This occurs as the worms reside and multiply inside the organs – lungs and heart. When these infected pets are not treated on time they can face fatal consequences even leading to death in lack of medical treatments.
Various reasons exist that put dogs at risk of this dreadful disease. It’s not hidden that mosquitoes are to be blamed for this. As mosquitoes transmit many dangerous diseases in humans, similarly they are responsible in transferring deadly heartworm infections in animals. When a mosquito feeds an infected animal – may be a pet or a wild animal, it becomes an intermediate host or a carrier for a heartworm larvae. When an animal is bitten by the carrier mosquito, it gets infected as the larvae
passes into this healthy animal’s blood stream, where it develops into a mature heartworm. This shows us that if you are able to keep those mosquitoes at bay, your pets can be well protected from the chances of getting heartworm infection. It is crucial to keep your pets indoors during the peak season of mosquitoes or providing preventive medications to help them stay healthy.
Thus, rather than giving away your pet to the ill effects of heartworm infection, it is crucial to take proper care of your furry pal and the best way to protect your pooch is to treat them with heartworm control treatments.
Heartgard plus and Revolution are the best heartworm preventives that help in controlling this fatal disease ensuring dogs’ optimal health.
The interesting fact here is that though heartworm larvae resides in mosquito, it neither harms nor does it develop in them. Thus, mosquito just acts like a trans-medium.
What puts dogs to the danger of tapeworms?
Tapeworm is a common name for the different types of parasitic worms that develops in the digestive system of your dog and eats away all the nutrients from the food that your pet eats. Though the riskiness of tapeworms is less compared to heartworms, still it can have severe negative effect on the health of your pooch. Furthermore, dogs infected with worms for a longer period also puts humans especially children to the risk of worm infection.
There are numerous ways through which your furry pal may get infected through tapeworms. The most primary one is the contact with the other infected dogs. Worms easily transfer from one dog to another through food bowls or toys, or mere by physical contact. Not only this, dogs can easily fetch the worms from the environment. Added to this, dogs can also get tapeworm infection through fleas. As mosquitoes are carriers of heartworm, fleas are carrier of tapeworm larvae. It can also transmit through small animals like rodents when a dog eats such infected animals.
To treat tapeworms, Drontal and Virbac tapewormer are effective in treating tapeworms and when given on regular basis, these worm control treatments also prevent future tapeworm infections.