5 tips with which dating via the internet will succeed
5 tips with which dating via the internet will succeed
Dating over the internet. Many try, often to give up quite quickly. The reason: too few responses to the dating profile and to the messages that are sent.

Dating over the internet. Many try, often to give up quite quickly. The reason: too few responses to the dating profile and to the messages that are sent. And that is a shame. Because dating via the internet allows you to meet women in a pleasant way when it suits you.

And because of the relative anonymity that you initially have when your internet date, you do approach women via a dating site who you probably would not have approached on the street or at the Albert Heijn.

Dating via the internet could therefore be the ultimate way for many men to come into contact with women. The following 5 tips will help you meet more women through dating sites and date more often.

1) Choose a good dating site and one that suits you

When dating online, try to keep yourself from scoring for free and easy. Dating sites that offer you anonymous, free, and most importantly, easy dating on threesome finder are usually hotbeds of deceptive activities, less good intentions, and offers for, shall we put it nicely, paid love.

Offering dating via the internet is offering a service. A service that allows you to contact women who would like to date in a safe, fun, and reliable way via the internet.

Something which also means: keeping out individuals who have less good intentions and who try to cheat things.

You will understand that providing a high-quality service via the internet can never be free. That is why you always pay a subscription fee on a good dating site or are constantly confronted with advertising.

We now have quite a few reliable dating sites in the Netherlands that offer a pleasant environment for dating via the internet. Examples of good reliable dating sites are:

Relation planet





On the website, you will find a complete overview of all possible dating sites out there. With which you can not only make a choice for a dating site that is good, but also a dating site that suits you.

2) Internet dating is online sales with yourself as a product

Dating via the internet is, as it were, putting yourself in the shop window. With a pleasant product description that ensures that interest is aroused in the product on display. And that is exactly what your profile photos and your profile text should achieve together.

People tend to buy more by feeling than reason. That is why a successful date profile is mainly one that gives a woman the feeling that she has a connection with you and would therefore very much like to know more about you. Something that you achieve by mainly writing in your profile text about who you are, what moves you, and why you do the things you do. You may also be interested on threesome Dating threesome websites

3) Don't wait, take the initiative

Too often people wait too much with internet dating. We may live in an emancipated society, in which we believe that women can and should also take the initiative, but that does not mean that they actually do it.

Because what is absolutely not emancipated is our feeling, our intuition, our instinct, our primary emotions. And that's exactly where love and attraction play out. And exactly that part of us still tells us that the man takes the initiative and the woman follows.

And so, as men, even today, we should not think too much but just act when it comes to women. Taking the initiative yourself brings you the woman, waiting, on the other hand, brings you nothing at all.

When dating on the internet, that means not only that you are the one who has to make the contact by writing the first message , but also that you take the initiative to meet in person and spend time together.

4) Only write things that you really dare to say

It sometimes happens to everyone who has contact with others via the internet: that you write things that you personally would probably not have said quickly. And that is exactly what can prevent the message from reaching the other person as you had in mind.

Always ask yourself before sending a message: Would I have said this if I were to speak to her personally or were in conversation with her?

If you can answer this question with a resounding 'Yes, you can send your message with confidence. But if you have to answer the same question with 'No', then definitely do not send the message.

If you keep asking yourself this question faithfully, you will greatly reduce the chances of accidentally screwing up something that could have been so beautiful.

5) Do you like her? Arrange a face-to-face meeting right away

A mistake that is unfortunately still often made by people who date via the internet, lingers in an email exchange for far too long before it comes to a personal meeting. Something that often leads to disappointment. Because both had expectations of the other, which turned out to be completely out of line with reality.

Do not consider a dating site as a kind of online meeting place where you can meet your single internet friends in your spare time for a nice chat. And where, with a little luck, a nice date could possibly come out of it. This is not only a waste of time but above all a possible source of great disappointment.

See a dating site mainly as an opportunity to meet women. Where you can quickly determine which women you like enough, to get to know better during a personal meeting.

Because relationships only develop between people who regularly meet in person and who spend time together in a way that they both enjoy. And do things together that they enjoy and enjoy.

Therefore, try to quickly find out what you have in common with the women you meet online. Because the more you have in common with a woman, the easier it will be to organize a date and the better date will be.

When you start dating over the internet and keep these tips in mind, there are definitely nice dates with really nice women ahead of you.