
Asbestos Lurking In Your Buildings- Your Lungs Might Be At Risk
Under any circumstances, it is your duty to keep your family safe in the environment you dwell in. Out of all the materials used in constructing a building, Asbestos is something that can harm your life. Let us see something more about it.
During the 1970s, asbestos became a popular building material found in everything from brake pads in cars to homes. Many people do not know the fact that asbestos has been used for quite a while. The material shows resistance to chemicals, heat, electricity, and corrosion, and so asbestos was used extensively in building construction as an insulator for steam engines and turbines that fueled industrial revolution.
Very soon the dark side of this fibrous material reared its head. Asbestos, unfortunately, was linked to different kinds of breathing issues and cancers and so in the large parts of US, it was banned. The sad story is that this material still lurks in many homes and buildings in the US and so it is a good idea to understand why and how it can put you in risk.
That is why, you see asbestos inspection in NYC happening in your neighborhood. The authorities really want to make the environment asbestos free completely. Expert pulmonologists have reiterated that asbestos is quite prevalent even today. Before the substance was banned, it was found in ceilings, paint, and floors as it worked as a good insulant. Sometimes the material was also used in making crayons. It was risk if you breathe the particles of asbestos.
The health problems with asbestos
Asbestos is responsible to put your health into several troubles. One mild issue is the plaque in the lining of the lungs and fluid around the lungs. But one of the most serious problems caused due to asbestos is lung fibrosis. In this condition, your lungs tissue will start scarring leading to lung cancer and mesothelioma.
In case you are a former chain smoker, this will further magnify your risk for some asbestos-related diseases, especially lung cancer. Some of the symptoms associated with asbestos exposure are wheezing, shortness of breath, chronic cough, chest pain, and difficulty in swallowing.
One problem with asbestos related health issue is that they can take ages to show up and by the time you know your disease, it is too late for a treatment. You are already at high-risk. The treatment and its effectiveness will depend on how long were you exposed to asbestos and how intense the exposure was.
If you doubt the presence of asbestos in your building, come to us for asbestos inspection in NYC.