
Handling Your Growing Ecommerce Business

Businesses need to start somewhere, be it during a spare bedroom or a garage, and most businesses reach some extent where they have to expand and meet the increased demand of its customers. The 2 main factors affecting expanding businesses are time and space. Owners soon find themselves with insufficient time to plug their products and not enough space to work from.
So what happens when your small crafts business goes from having a couple of consumers to hundreds? That daily trip to the post office to post out your orders becomes almost impossible and counter-productive to your business. An hour spent packaging items up into pretty embellished boxes or sifting through returned items might be harnessed elsewhere. Your garage becomes inadequate to deal with the number of orders and therefore the added stress of continually keeping them safe from the weather becomes a problem.
It doesn't matter how pretty or well-made your product is that if the delivery or quality of service is shoddy then this will have a detrimental effect on your business. And it isn't because you do not care or want to supply the simplest for your loyal customers- it's just because you do not have the time or space to satisfy demand with the help of the best ecommerce platform.