E-Signature- A critical tool for HR Departments
E-Signature- A critical tool for HR Departments
Signulu is an Electronic Signature Software solution flexible for single, or multiple signers, sequentially or in any order.

Every Human Resources department understands how critical document management is to the onboarding and off-boarding of employees, ranging from an offer letter to a new employee, to an Exit Interview attestation for an outgoing employee, and everything in between. If you haven’t considered digital documentation and authorizations before, then you are missing out on a great opportunity to drastically increase efficiencies and achieve administrative cost savings. And, the larger your organization, the larger those opportunities are.

Digital signature and document management platforms help businesses of all sizes to streamline the collection of employee data and more easily meet the rising compliance requirements . These electronic signature SaaS options are also extremely cost- effective and provides reason enough to go paperless. In fact, according to a recent Forrester survey, organizations can see an average time savings of about 1.5 hours PER DOCUMENT!

Further, the utilization of document digitization and electronic signatures would also enhance your security while simultaneously expediting the entire document distribution and collection process. Ever accidentally leave confidential documents in the printer? Mail the wrong documents to the wrong person or vice versa? How much does that whole process cost in time and money?

As an HR leader or a part of the Talent Acquisition team, it’s crucial to recognize the ways technology has become an inextricable part of today’s workforce. Utilizing a platform like Signulu that stands out amidst other companies for its adoption of technology, can be an essential tool to attract top talent in this competitive environment.

By using Signulu you can transform the way your organization engages with employees and candidates and adding to your employee’s onboarding/ off boarding experience and create a competitive edge.