
Clean Arabia recurring cleaning services are available weekly,every two weeks or monthly. They keep your cleaning on schedule and yourhome consistently clean. Each service includes our unique 22-StepHealthy Touch Deep Cleaning System which ensures every roomof your home is cleaned and includes dusting, vacuuming stairs, emptying trashand changing bed linens. This service is perfect for all types of cleaners,even the Deep Clean Machine, that’s because it takes care the basic clean everyhome needs on a consistent basis and goes deeper than the surface.
Fall and Spring House Cleaning Services.
The Surface Scrubber and Two- or Three-Room Master will love ourFall and Spring House Cleaning Services. That’s because it hits allthe areas these two cleaners likely miss. We will vacuum furniture with ourHEPA-equipped backpack vacuums and clear dust from spots you haven’t seen inyears. Your home will be sparkling clean from top to bottom.
Same Day House CleaningServices.
We see you procrastinators. This service exists forthose that would rather do anything but clean and wait until the last second todo it. Good thing The Maids is uniquely equipped to handle last-minutecleaning. We have the staff size, the equipment and the team organization toprovide immediate help to those who need it when they need it most. So even ifyou put off calling us until the last minute, we can handle it.
The Maids services are guaranteed and don’t require acommitment. We even offer one-time cleaning services, no strings attached.If you’re ready to supplement your routine by balancing out your cleaningstyle, contact us today for a Cleaning Service inDubai