
The normal-sized otoscope is about one inch long and aboutfive millimeters wide. It has an attachment called the spectrum which has twocurved wires attached to it. When a light activates the sensor at the top ofthe otoscope, it will move and produce a map of the middle ear through thelight waves that are reflected back. The light waves have different frequenciesthat are used to produce images. An otoscope is available in several models.Different types of otoscopes such as portable otoscope, stationary orwall-mounted otoscope, and otoscopes with digital connectivity are available inthe market. Most medical professionals prefer these devices because there islittle chance of accidental dislocation of the otoscope.
This is also called a tympanic probe otoscope. It is themost common type of otoscope and is generally preferred over the auriscope orthe vascular otoscope because it is easier to use. The internal auditory canalis easily reached and can be studied using this type of otoscope. The externalauditory canal cannot be reached with this otoscope but the tympanic membranecan. An additional benefit of this otoscope is that it can be used for otherprocedures such as the tympanometry. The tip of this instrument has a prongthat is specifically designed to catch the earwax. Healthcare providers insertthis device into the nostrils to obtain this information. It is important tocatch this before it builds up pressure inside the nose. Sometimes it isdifficult to do this, especially when the patient has nasal congestion orinflammations. Inspection of the nasal passage through an otoscope allows onlyfor examination of the middle turbinates, the inferior, anterior portion of theseptum, and the vestibule.
The otoscopeis often used along with a visual inspection tool, such as the speculum. Thespeculum is designed differently from the otoscope. It is made out of a narrowtube and is therefore not as flexible as the otoscope. When inserted into thepatient's nostrils, it pushes slightly against the walls of the nose. This isimportant for obtaining an accurate diagnosis and determining whether treatmentis required at this point. An otoscope comes in many varieties. Some of themare manual, while others are powered by electricity. They can be used for a varietyof different examinations. One example is the digital otoscope. These have asmall magnifying lens, which allows the caregiver to determine the innerstructures of the ear canal.
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