
Aviation cyber security is mainly reliant on cyber enabledtechnology which is used to increase safety and efficiency of air transport. Asmore cyber threats make their way into the world of aviation, there is a direneed for aviation cyber security to understand the cyber threats to air safetyand security in aviation. Many of the same old trends are returning to hauntcommercial aviation. Cyber security in aviation is unfortunately not a new inthe market. It's been around for quite some time and is only becoming morepronounced as aviation technology and systems become more reliant on computersystem.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) hasdeveloped an Industry-Wide AviationCyber Security Strategy to assist the aviation industry in dealing withthis ever-changing threat. Through this effort, IATA created the Aviation CyberSecurity Position Paper, which outlines IATA's cyber-crime vision and missionand the next steps for dealing with cyber-crimes committed on or in the air.Recently cyber criminals have become a real headache for all industriesincluding the airline industry. The cost of cyber-crimes such as hacking, malware,credit card frauds, etc. has spiraled to new heights.
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