Downward Facing Dog pose is derived from the Sanskrit word Adho Mukha Svanasana, where 'Adho' means Downward, 'Mukha' means Face, 'Svana' means Dog, and 'Asana' means Pose. It is a pose performed in a standing position by bending forward.
Downward Facing Dog Pose | Adho Mukha Svanasana
The Downward Facing Dog Pose is derived from the Sanskrit word Adho Mukha Svanasana, where 'Adho' means Downward, 'Mukha' means Face, 'Svana' means Dog, and 'Asana' means Pose. It is a forward bending posture and is performed in a standing position.
Let us see how to perform this pose:
- Start in a standing position with your feet flat on the ground.
- Then bend forward until you touch the ground with your palms. Spread the fingers wide apart.
- Using straight (but not locked) arms, then press the buttocks up and back touching the chest towards the thighs. Lift through the tail bone to help keep the spine long and straight.
- Make sure the feet are hip’s width apart with the toes facing forward. Press the heels to the floor setting a stretch from the back of the legs. The legs should be straight, or you could have a little bend at the knees to hold the spine flat.
- Let the head and neck hang freely from the shoulders or look up at the bellybutton.
- Breathe and wait for 4-8 breaths.
- To release the pose, flex the knees and lower back the hips to Table position, or come all the way down to child pose.