
It also helps in strengthening the immune system of the body by stimulating the leucocytes (WBCs) to detect an infection and fight against it. Its solubility aids it in its role as the alleviator of cholesterol levels in the human body.
It only affects the LDL (harmful cholesterol) levels and not the HDL (beneficial cholesterol) levels. Higher LDL levels have been constipation known to cause a lot of cardiovascular ailments.
An effective way to prevent these cardiovascular problems is to increase the intake of food rich in Beta Glucan soluble fiber compounds.
When it comes to controlling the Glycemic sugar levels in the blood, their role has been much talked about. Medical researchers have proved that they are very effective in keeping the blood sugar level under control. People suffering from diabetes mellitus are prescribed to consume Oat bran and other Beta glucan supplements on a rather regular basis.
Weight loss experts and dietitians the world over vouch by the fat-burning power of Beta Glucan soluble fiber compounds. They tend to increase the satiety level of the host and at the same time help in burning the fat stored inside the body and releasing energy.